By-Laws Revisions Proposed
Click on the button below to view a draft copy of the proposed By-Laws. A brief recap of changes is shown below.
Here are the main points of changes in this proposed revision:
• Incorporates into the By-Laws our current practice of discounting new memberships after January 1st, and making new memberships after May 1st to extend through the following calendar year.
• Moves the end of the grace period for late renewals up to October 1st instead of November 1st.
• All officers will be elected for 2-year terms in odd-numbered years rather than staggered terms. This will also change Director terms from staggered 3-year terms to 2-years.
• Minor changes to better define Business Meetings and when they occur.
• Adds flexibility and clarity to disposition of Society assets in the event of dissolution.
• Variety of minor changes to duties of some officers.
Program will be in-person, and via Zoom, unless otherwise stated.