​Kevin Klaus developed a love of history from an early age listening to stories told by his Great Grandparents and Grandparents who grew up in East Texas. Over the past 30 years he has collected and researched his own family, using government records, letters, photographs, family Bible information, and stories.
Beginning in 1990, he served eight years in the United States Army.  In 1998 he was honorably discharged in New Mexico, and returned home to Central Texas where he had grown up.
Kevin has a background in Anthropology, Archaeology, and Public History from the University of New Mexico. 
Over the last 21 years he has served as one of the lead researchers in the Texas General Land Office Archives and Records Program Area.  During his time at the Land Office, he has searched the early Court of Claims files, German Collection and archival collection to learn more about the history of Texas and discover the amazing collection of personal letters of early soldiers and pioneers who helped settle our great state.​
Presenter's Handouts
Lisa Louise Cooke
WHAGS' May Meeting is our Annual General Meeting where newly-elected officers will be installed, next year's budget voted on, and any business at-hand will be conducted. Plus a chance to celebrate the conclusion of another successful year. We'll keep the business as brief as possible.
Saturday, May 17, 2025
Steve Radack Community Center
18650 Clay Road
Meet & Greet 10:00 am
Meeting Begins 10:30 am
Business meeting to follow the Presentation
Lisa Louise Cook
Google Books: The Tool You Should Use Every Day! 
​​Learn the secrets of getting more than you ever imagined from the largest online collection of digitized books, Google Books.
With 25 million books, many of which are digitized and fully searchable, Google Books should be the first place to which you turn as you climb your family tree.
Learn how to make the most of this goldmine chock full of historical data with little-known techniques from the “Google Guru” and author, Lisa Louise Cooke.​
If you plan to attend the meeting virtually, please click on the link above to register.
Program will be in-person, and via Zoom, unless otherwise stated.