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Resources for the Beginning Genealogist

    At the Beginner's Genealogy Workshop we promised additional resources (tools, links, forms, charts and more) to help you on your journey.  Here's an initial set of links to download some of the forms we wanted to share with you...


New Items Added for July:

​ Hints...

Here are 3 pdf files from's help area:



Abstract Forms

Includes a variety of forms that can be helpful when mining a document for information and creating source citations.  Source citations are important so that the researcher can find again the document, retrace your research, or if you want to write your family history using citations.


Family Group and Ancestor Forms

Includes a few fillable forms for desktop use or all can be filled in by hand, especially useful when researching in person.  Also, a five generational chart, which can be taken on the go when you don’t want to carry a device.  Pick the form/layout that works best for you. 


Tips & Cheats for FamilySearch...

Here are some things to help you get the most out of FamilySearch website:

  • Rookie Mistakes - A list of rookie mistakes, their consequences, and how experience teaches you to do it better:  a self-improvement checklist.

  • FamilySearch Cheat Sheet - A graphics-intensive overview of and how to navigate and make use of this incredible and totally free resource. 

  • FamilySearch Tips - This document provides helpful tips to improve your searching skills on FamilySearch.


Research Logs

These are helpful to know what you did, when you did it, and where you can find it again.  Prevents revisiting things you have documented and helps to decide what to do next. Useful for both online research and in-person research.


Genealogy Goals

If you are just beginning your journey into the past, these are good suggestions to put you on the right track.  If you’ve been researching for a while, it is a good way to check if you’ve done it right and consider what you could do better.


DNA Presentation

Here are some items from the DNA presentation


Other Useful Genealogy Links

These links are a few of the MANY websites out there to help with your research or to provide other ideas and sources as you work through your tree.  As you grow your tree, you will even find many overseas sources like the British Archives or local genealogy societies that you can connect with.

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